Individual TYPO3 solutions from Karlsruhe

With more than 15 years of experience in the design and implementation of complex TYPO3 solutions, we support business customers from a wide range of industries.

As an agency, our focus is on a holistic approach. The security and scalability of the respective TYPO3 solution is taken into account right from the start. As early as the conception stage, we pay attention to the selection of suitable TYPO3 extensions and plugins, take update cycles into account and ensure seamless integration into an existing infrastructure.

Depending on the requirements of the website, individual TYPO3 extensions are designed, coordinated with the customer and implemented.

We know the wishes of the editors and attach great importance to different user roles in order to make maintenance as easy as possible for the website editor.

Let our success stories speak for us.

Torsten Koch, Geschäftsführer

Do you have any questions?

Torsten Koch

+49 721 183960kontakt@eyeworkers.de

Our services

  • Strategy & Consulting
  • Design & UX
  • Interface connection
  • Individual development
  • TYPO3 user training
  • Support & Maintenance

We are an Association Silver Member!

The open source software TYPO3 is backed by the TYPO3 Association. The Association coordinates and promotes the further development of the CMS system and thus provides infrastructure for many websites. We support the Association in its goals through Silver Membership.


Advantages of TYPO3 at a glance

High security

With its security management, TYPO3 is one of the most secure CMS on the market.

Granular user rights

Specific user rights can be assigned for working with TYPO3. These can be defined individually for individual users or groups.

Simple content management

Content management, such as creating new pages, is easy to learn. After our training, your employees will be able to use your TYPO3 system without any problems.

Many websites via a CMS

With the multi-domain setup, you can manage several websites via a central system. TYPO3 also offers the option of implementing your own routing specifications.

Websites in several languages

In addition to a standard language, you can create any number of alternative languages in TYPO3.


Do you have an idea in mind, but are still at the very beginning?
We will take the next steps with you in a joint one-day workshop.
We will discuss your idea, assess its feasibility and work out goals, target groups and features.

Duration: 1 day
Participants: Management, idea generator, product owner
Costs for you: none
Result: Our expert opinion and possible next steps

Contact us