App development

App - what is it actually?

There is no clear definition for the word "app". Usually, an app is generally understood to be an application that runs on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. Sometimes web applications are now also referred to as apps or web apps. However, when we use the term "app" on this page, we mean applications that are programmed and optimized for mobile devices.

We specialize in apps for B2B and B2E ("business-to-employee" - i.e. internal company use).

We also provide you with fundamental support when it comes to the question of whether your project should be implemented as an app or perhaps as a web application.

Torsten Koch, Geschäftsführer

Do you have any questions?

Torsten Koch

+49 721

Agile development

Our way of working is agile and transparent. We continuously involve you in the development process. We attach great importance to you being able to follow our progress and actively participate in the ongoing process.

Your project management ensures a smooth process and adherence to the schedule through internal reviews and regular meetings (e.g. dailies and weeklies).

Access to the source codes is provided as standard via our repositories so that you can access them at any time.

Design/ UX

The design of the user interface (UI) and the user experience (UX) play a decisive role in the success and acceptance of an app. Special principles apply to the design of mobile user interfaces in particular. To ensure an optimal app experience, we focus on the essentials and reduce information to the essentials. Our experienced UI designers develop a visually appealing and well thought-out user interface according to the motto: as much as necessary and as little as possible.


We use cross-platform frameworks such as React Native or Flutter to implement an app.

The integration of native functions such as location queries or using the camera is technically easy to implement.


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