Sencha events


Whether silver sponsor of SenchaCon or organizer of meetups, developer days or conferences - we bring the community together. In a relaxed atmosphere, we ensure knowledge transfer and uncover techniques and architectures in presentations and workshops that make life easier for your developers and advance your software.

Tim Riedel, Geschäftsführer

Do you have any questions?

Tim Riedel

+49 721

Sencha Day 2022

In 2022, we organized a one-day conference on the topic of Sencha ExtJS. After Corona and the lastSencha Community Days 2019this could finally take place on site in Munich again.

SenchaDay 2022 was packed with 8 interesting sessions from speakers from Germany and the USA.

DEV & UX Days

To build on the success of the Sencha Community Days in 2019, we have launched the Dev & UX Days.

The interesting conference program with practice-oriented sessions and workshops offers Sencha ExtJS topics, lots of information about code optimization, Vue.js, testing, tooling, theming and UI/UX.

Visit the conference page for more information.

Sencha Community Days

As Sencha experts, we decided to organize a conference for web developers and ExtJS developers in particular in 2019. Our aim was to bring the community together and offer a multi-day program with top-class presentations by world-renowned experts.

And we more than succeeded.

In April 2019, more than 120 visitors attended the sold-out Sencha Community Days in Karlsruhe to listen to talks on ExtJS, JavaScript, UI/UX, machine learning, testing and architecture.

The program was introduced by a full-day expert workshop in which the functionality of the MVVM in the ExtJS framework was explained to the participants. Our flair for networking and communicating different cultures and customs at our conference party earned us a lot of praise: New contacts and business relationships were made with companies and developers from Europe, Brazil, America, Russia and India.


We support these customers in the area of Sencha ExtJS