Design & User Experience

Why design and user experience?

Good design combined with an intuitive UX (user experience) pave the way for the success of a digital product.

The needs and goals of the end user are always the focus of our work. The user interface is the interface where people and systems communicate with each other.


Torsten Koch, Geschäftsführer

Do you have any questions?

Torsten Koch

+49 721
  • Understanding requirements

In a joint workshop, we gain an overview of your plans and wishes and get to know the end user better. To do this, we create user journey maps, personas and user stories.


  • Define goals

The goal that we want to achieve together involves criteria and requirements. These are defined and established.


  • Create UI design

By using clickable prototypes, we visualize our UX and design solutions in the early project phases. This allows feedback and suggestions for improvement to be implemented directly.


  • Checking/evaluating the design

Each version of the UI design is reviewed, tested and evaluated. Your feedback is of great importance and leads us directly back to phase 1: Understanding.

What does the user get from a good UI/UX design?

User friendliness

A good UI/UX design ensures that products are easy to learn and use. It minimizes the need for user manuals or training.

Customer satisfaction

By taking user needs and preferences into account, UI/UX design helps to create positive experiences and thus increase customer satisfaction.

Reaching the target group

UI/UX design adapts to the needs and requirements of the target group and helps to adapt products and services for specific user segments and thus maximize their effectiveness.

And what's in it for you as a customer?

Brand perception

A positive user experience strengthens the image of a brand and can lead to long-term customer loyalty.


In markets where products and services are similar, a superior user experience can make all the difference and give companies a competitive advantage.

Reduction of costs and errors

Early integration of UI/UX design can reduce costs for later revisions and errors, as problems can be identified and resolved in the early stages of the development process.


Do you have an idea in mind but are still at the very beginning?
In a joint one-day workshop, we take the next steps with you.
We discuss your idea, assess its feasibility and work out goals, target groups and features.

Duration: 1 day
Participants: Management, idea generator, product owner
Costs for you: none
Result: Our expert opinion and possible next steps

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What characterizes a good UI/UX design?

Illustrations and icons - less is more.

To prevent the user from losing track in a flood of information, complex information must be reduced and presented in a simple design.

Illustrations and icons can replace parts of the text and improve the user-friendliness of your application.

Micro Interactions - Movement is fun.

Micro interactions or short animations are also primarily about drawing the user's attention. Small movements can encourage the user to continue - especially if they are self-triggered.

Styleguide - The construction kit for your design.

We create a style guide for your company. This contains all the building blocks of your design - colors, symbols, fonts, images, etc. and forms the basis for later extensions.


When is the user satisfied? When the digital solution supports them in their work in such a way that they perceive it as natural.

Good usability also ensures that the solution is tailored to all users. Regardless of technical or physical limitations. Accessibility is not a special feature, but should be standard.

Find out more about the topic of

Joy of Use

An application that not only works effectively, but is also user-friendly and looks appealing, will be used more efficiently by users.

Happy users are therefore an important factor in the success of a solution.

User Centered Design

In UX design, we work in a process with four phases that is repeated several times. This allows us to evaluate the results and improve them in the next run.


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