Website relaunch

"Safe online and on social media" - that is the motto of YoungData, the German youth portal on data protection and freedom of information.

The platform was founded by the Data Protection Conference DSK, an association of all federal and state data protection authorities. Children and young people can find exciting content and comprehensive information on data protection and freedom of information, especially on how to handle their data safely on social media.


Design & UX

The design is tailored to the young target group. Children and young people should be reflected in both the visual language and the textual approach. The design is young, fresh and modern, and extremely user-friendly.



A glossary function was integrated into the backend to provide definitions for terms requiring explanation, which are accessible across all pages in all content via tooltips. In addition, a separate glossary page provides an overview of all defined terms.


Navigation concept

Many topics on the youth portal are related to each other in terms of content, i.e. they interlink or build on each other. An article on image rights, for example, can be assigned to the topic "Instagram" as well as to the topics "Image rights" or "Social media".
The challenge for the information architecture of the youth portal is therefore the multiple integration of the same content on different topic pages. Our solution for this is a simple and scalable operating concept based on the assignment of articles to one or more topics by assigning tags.

A hierarchical model with three levels was developed for this purpose:

1. categories for an initial overview
2. Topic pages for more in-depth information
3. Articles for detailed knowledge transfer

The same articles can be assigned to different topics and displayed on different pages. This ensures easy handling of the content for editors. No information is lost for users or can be found very easily.

The website was developed with TYPO3.

Stay safe online and on social media