Sencha new development


We develop complete applications for your company, work with you on them or provide your development team with the necessary start-up support. Collaboration not only significantly improves development productivity, but also shortens the release cycle.


We support you!

We provide you with the necessary know-how to plan and develop sophisticated web applications. As part of the project, you will learn everything about modern web applications and the use of HTML5, CSS3 and Sencha products.

Tim Riedel, Geschäftsführer

Do you have any questions?

Tim Riedel

+49 721


1st phase Understanding

1st-3rd day
Objective: to understand the scope of the desired application.

  • Use case of the application is discussed - how will the application be used and what problems are to be solved?
  • Desired or existing application architecture
  • Validation of data
  • Target platforms and browsers
  • Current front-end technology of the application
  • Grid, data updating (real-time updates) and persistence of data
  • Existing and desired backend services


2nd phase Knowledge transfer, structure and planning

4th-5th day
Objective: to understand the scope of the desired application:

  • the development team is taught the possibilities and features of HTML5 , CSS3 and the Sencha frameworks and tools
  • Best practices in terms of architecture and development standards
  • Best practices and experience in team development
  • Testing and the integration of source code management (e.g. GIT)
  • Usual use of debugging tools
  • UI and UX requirements for cross-platform web applications
  • Reusability of code, packaging, deployment and long-term maintenance


3rd phase proof of concept and/or sample code

6th-10th day
Goal: the foundation for your application is laid.

  • Implementation of a proof of concept
  • Integration of relevant services
  • Implementation of a first basic layout to show the basic idea of the UI/UX concept
  • Presentation of the results in the form of an executable prototype

We support these customers in the area of Sencha ExtJS