Website relaunch


The Badisches Landesmuseum is the large cultural history museum of the Baden region of Baden-Württemberg and is located in Karlsruhe Palace. It presents the culture of Baden in dialog with testimonies of the cultures of the world with a focus on Europe. As part of the new development of the corporate design, we conceived, designed and implemented a new website for both institutions in 2019. Using a click dummy, we were able to create an impression of the future website and test the navigation concept before the technical implementation.

The technical implementation was carried out with the CMS TYPO3. Special requirements were the event calendar with ticket purchase, an internal, protected press area and multilingualism. An external online store and the digital catalog were each connected to the website via an API and integrated.

TYPO3 can also be used to create independent microsites with subdomains for special exhibitions at the State Museum.

50,000 years of cultural history in Karlsruhe

Badisches Landesmuseum BW Website
Badisches Landesmuseum
Badisches Landesmuseum