Website relaunch, multisite


Karlsruher Bädergesellschaft manages and operates the Europabad Karlsruhe, the Therme Vierordtbad, the Fächerbad and other indoor and outdoor pools in Karlsruhe and the surrounding area. In order to offer visitors the best possible access to the wide range of offers, the requirement was to create a joint Internet presence for the Karlsruhe swimming pools with a uniform appearance and a common technical basis. A particular challenge here was to take into account and emphasize the different focal points of the individual pools, such as fun, recreation and sport, for the respective target groups.

Our solution enabled the client to keep the maintenance and administration of the individual websites as simple and uniform as possible.

A multisite was set up in TYPO3 for this purpose. A single backend enables the content maintenance of any number of websites with their own domain. Additional websites can be flexibly added at any time on this basis without major additional effort.



Immerse yourself in the extensive water world of Karlsruhe

KA Bäder Relaunch
KA Bäder Bild
KA Bäder