Microsite Collection Online

The LWL Museum of Art and Culture in Münster presents and manages works of art from the early Middle Ages to the present day.

The microsite "Collection Online" provides visitors with an additional service to the museum's website and currently allows them to explore 5,500 works online. The challenge was to use an external database to create a dynamic platform on which the online collection can be regularly updated and expanded. This was successfully achieved by implementing the interface to Axiell. Axiell is a software solution for managing and structuring data that helps organizations such as cultural institutions (libraries, archives, museums and educational institutions) to manage their collections, catalog objects or lend media.


Simple research in the digital collection

A central component of the Online Collection is the search function. Thanks to the extensive filter options, search queries can be narrowed down precisely and results can be found more specifically. There is not only detailed information on the individual works, but also biographical background information on many artists.

The museum's current thematic focuses and special exhibitions are presented and summarized in so-called "albums". There is also a personal area that allows users to save and share their own watch lists and personal albums.

The website was realized as a multisite with TYPO3. Another online collection of the LWL Open Air Museum Detmold is currently being implemented.



Online research from the early Middle Ages to the present