Web application for financial sector

CRM web application for companies in the financial sector

For more than 7 years, we have been realizing the front end of a comprehensive CRM web application for a customer in the financial sector with more than 2000 employees. Our client's services include financing, leasing, insurance and fleet management.

The project is characterized by innovative elements that raise efficiency and user-friendliness to a new level. Features include an integrated image viewer for PDFs, which enables seamless viewing of documents, as well as special grid components that ensure fast and precise processing of extensive data.

The implementation of additional keyboard controls optimizes usability, while lazy module loading improves loading times and therefore overall performance. Our approach is based on a component-based architecture that ensures flexibility and scalability.

A special focus is placed on UI & UX design, as well as testing to ensure that the application is not only functional, but also aesthetic and user-friendly.

From a technological point of view, we rely on Angular Material and Angular Forms API to ensure the highest standards of stability, security and resilience.

Comprehensive offers for financing, leasing, insurance and fleet management.

CRM Webapp Finanzsektor
Mosaik Referenz
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