TYPO3-Camp Central Germany

eyeworkers back again

This year, eyeworkers once again took part in the TYPO3-Camp Mitteldeutschland in Dresden. Like every barcamp, the three-day TYPO3-Camp was brought to life by its participants, as the agenda was still empty when they arrived. Only at the beginning of each day were the so-called sessions planned, in which either a presentation was given or a discussion round was held. When planning the sessions, each participant could contribute a topic. If the topic met with the interest of the other 200 attendees, the topic was added to the agenda and the person who suggested the topic became the moderator of the session.

Repeat offender Andreas Kessel, Senior Developer at eyeworkers and TYPO3 Camp participant in recent years, says: "With 200 TYPO3 enthusiasts in one room, it doesn't take long to get into conversation. The atmosphere was good and the presentations exciting." Andreas is particularly enthusiastic about the presentation on PSR-14 Events. PSR-14 events maintain the updateability of specially programmed extensions to the TYPO3 core functions and thus help to ensure that our customer projects remain updateable for longer.

With new impulses in his luggage, he returned to Karlsruhe, where Andreas shared his newly acquired knowledge directly with the other eyeworkers in an internal training session, in line with the TYPO3 motto "Inspiring people to share".